MPlayer Youtube Video Streamer
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At this time myvs is not full time developed and because of recent changes on youtube api it doesn't work well,
so I suggest you to use this little bash script with youtube-dl application:

ytdlopts="-f 18 -g " # Last space is very important!
mplayeropts="-cache 300" # in kBytes

$mplayerbin $mplayeropts `$ytdlbin $ytdlopts "$*"`

you can try to download it directly there:

./ ""

REMEMBER to Edit the internal OPTIONS!

see you!

This script is based on an idea of Ricardo Garcia Gonzalez,
I want to thanks him for the permission to do this.
I edited some parts of his python-based application (originally made for download only videos by Youtube)
I want so thanks Youtube that made some servers avaiable to streaming .flv videos ;-)
This is so useful for linux ppc users (I'm linux ppc user too)!!
As you know linux ppc users can't have Flash support on their favourite web browser! :-(
Because Macromedia doesn't support any binary plugin for linux ppc users!

PS: This script is in test phase so use at your own risk!
        it is not fully tested (example videos with age confirmation etc..)
        but it seems to work greatly with the standard videos on youtube.

Please let me know if you like it by writing me an email.



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All licensed under GPLv2.
Alessandro Arrichiello

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